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The Green Bridge Conference 2013 is an important step in the continuous effort by the Kazakhstan Government to pave the way for a future green economy. With this in mind, the President of Kazakhstan has recently adopted the ‘Concept of transition by the Republic of Kazakhstan to a green economy’.This project is aimed at consolidating national initiatives for the sustainable use of natural resources. Furthermore, it also focuses on boosting resilience to climate change.The project is designed to support the country’s transition to a green economy. Kazakhstan’s commitment will be further demonstrated during the EXPO 2017, to be held in Astana,which will be devoted to Future Energy.

The Green Bridge Conference 2013, hosted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will bring together Ministers from Central Asian and other neighboring countries, officials from the EU, senior representatives from international organizations, key Kazakhstan influencers and international speakers – Sustainable Development and Green Growth experts.

The Green Bridge Conference 2013 will also represent thelaunch of the Green Bridge Partnership Program, an initiative intended to bring together the countries of Central Asia, supported by key international institutions and the private sector, with the objective of leading green economic growth both on a local and global scale. International cooperation, technology transfer, knowledge exchange and financial support will facilitate the process.

The countries of Central Asia share serious challenges for economic development, including the national and international stewardship of water, energy and ecosystems. Cooperative action and investment into regional Green Growth policies, projects and programs will benefit Central Asia by bringing greater economic security and prosperity through a more resilient, responsible and sustainable development pathway.

The Green Bridge Conference 2013 is envisaged asanideas incubator for the future activities of the Green Bridge Partnership Program. The Conference will foster the exchange of green future visions, best practice experiences and the identification of the challenges and opportunities in the region with the objective of unlocking sizable opportunities for investments that can generate massive benefits for the local and nationalpopulation and businesses.

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