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Joint Project of EC / UNDP / UNECE “Support for Kazakhstan’s transition to a model of green economy” will hold a meeting to develop proposals and recommendations for pilot projects on November 26-27, 2015 in the resort of Borovoe

The project invites manufacturers of technologies in the field of Water Resources to participate at a technical meeting to discuss pilot projects in Almaty, Akmola, Aktobe regions.

The discussion will be organized on the following topics:

Integration of ideas of green growth in the construction of a centralized water supply systems in rural areas (Almaty region)

Upgrading and operation of multi-waterworks (Aktobe region)

The development of urban agriculture in the city of Astana and prospects of oasisirrigation in arid and semiarid regions of Kazakhstan

Please confirm your participation until November 19, 2015

For more information, please contact Dinara Aliyeva. Contacts: +7 7172 696 544 (ext 2604),

Ministry of Energy together with the coalition for the “Green” Economy and G-Global Development plan to hold an International Conference “Green Bridge-the platform for knowledge sharing partnership”

Press Release
International Conference
“Green Bridge-Platform-Partnership for Advanced Practices and Innovation”

The opening of the International Conference “Green Bridge-platform-partnership for advanced practices and innovation” will take place on November 13, 2015 at 10 a.m. at the “Astana Radisson SAS” Hotel

The opening of the International Youth Conference “Green Bridge-the area of innovative opportunities” will be held on November 14, 2015 at 10 a.m. at the Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov in Astana.

The organizers of the Conference and the Forum are the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Coalition for the “green economy ” and the development of G-Global», and Alliance volunteers of Kazakhstan.

The official support is provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, UNDP in Kazakhstan, the Office of Programs of the OSCE in Astana, the JSC “NC “Astana EXPO-2017″.

Green Bridge Partnership Program was launched by Kazakhstan at the III Astana Economic Forum in 2010 and received support from two United Nations regional commissions and the UN summit “Rio+ 20″.

The Conference and the Forum will be attended by representatives of relevant ministries and NGO leaders of countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Russia, Germany, Finland, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Estonia.

Among the invited guests of the Conference and the Forum are Majilis deputies, representatives of ministries and institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international experts, heads of NGOs and business structures of the country, representatives of the media and others.

The conference “Green Bridge - Platform Partnership for the best practices and innovation” consists of three sessions: “Green Bridge - technology, innovation and climate change “, ” Green Bridge - a platform for technology and innovation with the participation of business, science and society “, “Directions of activity and projects of GBPP ”

The program of the conference is dedicated to international cooperation for the transition to a green economy, the transfer of advanced green technologies and practices, the development of green businesses and motivating institutional and technical innovations.

This conference is an intellectual contribution to the upcoming climate conference to be held in December in Paris to collect a variety of climate initiatives from around the world.

Within the framework of the Paris conference will be the signing of an international climate agreement, designed to prevent the increase of the critical average surface temperature of the planet for 2 ° C.
In this connection, Kazakhstan takes on additional commitments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas. During the first national contest Online-Expo- 2017, it was confirmed that Kazakhstan is the owner of several truly unique technologies to reduce CO2 and other.
President N.A. Nazarbayev speaking at the 70th UN General Assembly in September proposed the key project to the green economy: ” In support of the UN initiative ” Sustainable Energy for All ” in 2017 the World “Expo” on the theme “Future Energy” will be held in Astana”… Looking to the future, based on the infrastructure of the exhibition” EXPO -2017″ , I suggest to open in Astana the International Centre for the development of green technologies and investment projects under the auspices of the UN.”
The Charter of GBPP was launched in 2013 , to which 14 countries have already joined - Kazakhstan , Russia , Kyrgyzstan , Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Latvia , Mongolia , Montenegro , Bulgaria , Finland , Sweden , Hungary and Albania.
This year started the procedure of signing the Charter of international and domestic non-governmental organizations and business structures. The Charter of new members is expected to be signed on November 13-14 of this year.
In August of 2015 established an international non-profit organization ” Green Bridge Partnership Program”, at the initiative of civil society organizations of Kazakhstan that have signed the Charter, such as the coalition for the “green ” economy and development of the G-Global », the International Secretariat of the G-Global, the Association of Kazakhs abroad ” KazAlyans ” and Eurasian Water Center. On this basis the international office of GBPP in the framework of the international obligations of Kazakhstan is being opened.
During the forum, on November 13 of this year, the concepts and principles of activity of “GBPP”, the order of consideration of projects, the creation of the Board of Governors, the text of the “Declaration of mechanisms of “GBPP”” and plans of interactions with related initiatives and etc. is scheduled to discuss. It is necessary to determine what would be the first steps and the first organizational projects of “GBPP”.
One of the key projects might be the development of international competition Online-Expo- 2017 in the permanent virtual competition and the virtual exhibition of green innovation and best practices in the G-Global, as part of a global innovative environmental infrastructure.
The exhibition of “green” technologies and practices by the results of the contest of children’s environmental project “New World ” will be organized as part of the International Youth Forum «GREENBRIDGE- the area for innovative opportunities “, where “The youth Charter of GBPP ” will be signed initiated by the youth movement.
The following events are being scheduled: Training seminar ” Raising awareness and knowledge of youth on the preparations for the International specialized exhibition EXPO -2017 in Astana in the light of the development of volunteerism “, coach conference on “Development of leadership skills among young people “, on-line talk show in the format of the debate, the workshop with the participation of young innovators and entrepreneurs on “green” technologies.

Presentations of three projects will be held as a part of the Youth Forum:
1.) Republican campaign “My country - my EXPO” in the framework of an international organization of Expo & Women « People Expo”. According to the contest a 15 seconds movie about the green technologies and renewable energy sources used at work or everyday life should be recorded and handed to the organizers of the contest.
2.) The Republican contest of “green” projects «Waterin AUL», which is held in the framework of the project to support entrepreneurship among rural youth «Invest in Aul».
3.) Contest of innovative projects «GREEN CITY», which starts in the framework of the United Nations Development Program and the Government of Kazakhstan “Sustainable cities for low-carbon development in Kazakhstan”, launched in November 2015 with financial support from the Global Environment Facility.

On October 23-24, 2014 in Astana within the framework of the International Forum EXPO-2017 “Energy of the Future: CO2 emissions reduction” will be conducted the Plenary Session «Green Bridge Partnership Programme: prospects and tools».

On October 23-24, 2014 in Astana within the framework of the International Forum EXPO-2017 “Energy of the Future: CO2 emissions reduction” will be conducted the Plenary Session «Green Bridge Partnership Programme: prospects and tools».

It is known that at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev expressed the Global initiative on “Green Bridge Partnership Programme”. The aim of the Partnership is strengthening of cooperation between Asia, Europe and Pacific in the field of transfer of knowledge, innovations and technologies on the area of “green” economy.

“Green Bridge Partnership Programme” includes five prospective sectors reflecting the common requirements of “green” development in the region: water resources management, access to renewable energy, food security and agriculture, sustainable urban system and resilience to climate risks.

Signing of the Charter on the “Green Bridge” Partnership Programme in Astana on September 30, 2013 within the International conference on the “Green Bridge” Partnership Programme and the International specialized exhibition “Astana EXPO-2017″ by 8 countries - Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Georgia, Germany and Montenegro has become a concrete step on the way of realization of cooperation. Presently, the Charter was signed also by Finland, Latvia, Hungary and Albania.

The “Green Bridge” Partnership Programme being the practical mechanism of transition to “green” economy assumes close interaction of the countries of Europe and Asia on providing a sustainable development with assistance of key international institutes and the private sector. The Programme in general will provide leadership in advance of green economic growth in Central Asia and region by assistance to the international cooperation, transfer of technologies, an exchange of knowledge and rendering financial support.

The Road-map for 2011-2016 is developed for implementation of the “Green Bridge” Partnership Programme by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the initial stage focused on experience studying, establishment of communications and development of mechanisms of management and financing of the programme. During the expert meetings on October 24th, 2014 draft documents on creation of Association of Green Bridge Partnership Programme and the “Green Bridge” Institute will be presented.

In this regard, we invite international organizations, governmental bodies, media, business and NGOs representatives to participate in the forum.


Contacts: Madina Nauryzbek, Naziya Prmanova, Zerza Samenova

tel. - 8(7172) 2740882, 740846, 277293, 277295

fax - 8(7172) 279580

Press Service - 8 (7172) 97-68-83 e-mail:,,
