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The signatories to this Charter of the Green Bridge Partnership Program (this “Charter”), including participants who later join this Charter by subsequent accession, being referred to hereinafter collectively as “Participants” and individually as a “Participant”,

Acknowledge that the countries of Central Asia and the wider Eurasian region share important constraints to economic development including the national and international stewardship of natural resources and ecosystems;

Recognize that cooperative action and investment into regional green growth policies, projects and programs will benefit Central Asia and the wider Eurasian region by bringing greater economic security and prosperity through a more resilient, responsible and sustainable development pathway;

Understand that not all of the policy, financial and technical preconditions for green growth in Central Asia and the wider Eurasian region currently exist, and that therefore a targeted, partnership-based program should have an important role to play;

Recall that the Astana Green Bridge Initiative: Europe-Asia-Pacific Partnership for the Implementation of “Green Growth” was welcomed and endorsed by the sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific;

Note that the Green Bridge Partnership Program was developed after the sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific, welcomed by the seventh “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference, which was held in Astana in September 2011, and welcomed and supported by the Ministerial Declaration: “Save water, grow green!” adopted by the ministers of the region of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe;

Contemplate that the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development welcomed regional and cross-regional initiatives for sustainable development, such as the Green Bridge Partnership Program, which is voluntary and open for participation by all partners;

Note that the Green Bridge Partnership Program should be focused on the Central Asia at the initial stage with the perspective to extend its activities further to other regions of the world including Asia-Pacific region;

Have therefore reached a common understanding to endeavor to establish the Green Bridge Partnership Program as follows:

Objectives and goals

1. The objectives and goals of the Green Bridge Partnership Program (the “GBPP”) should be as follows:

(a) The GBPP is intended to provide leadership for green economic growth in Central Asia and the wider Eurasian region through promoting international cooperation and the facilitation of technology transfer, knowledge exchange and financial support.

(b) The GBPP is intended to act as a knowledge hub, to facilitate education, disseminate information and communicate learning.

(c) The GBPP is intended to act as a regional facilitator and international contributor to the development and adoption of clean technologies.

(d) The GBPP is intended to promote innovative investment solutions for tangible and bankable projects in a range of key sectors to facilitate sustainable growth of the green economy.

(e) The goal of the GBPP should be taking advantage of the efficiencies of the private sector to the maximum extent possible by outsourcing its operations, management, project sourcing, investment, financial and banking functions.


1. In order to implement the Green Bridge Partnership Program the Participants should endeavor to establish an unincorporated international association (hereinafter referred to as the “International Association”). The Participants intend to establish the International Association pursuant to a separate Foundation Agreement to be entered into by the Participants (the “Foundation Agreement”).

2. The Participants should use reasonable efforts to agree the terms of and sign the Foundation Agreement within a reasonable timeframe after the signing of this Charter, notwithstanding that this Charter is not intended to create any obligation or liability for any Participant. The Foundation Agreement should contain detailed terms regarding the governance, operations and management of the International Association and joining the GBPP.

3. The Participants should consider an opportunity to locate the headquarters of the GBPP in Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan (the “Host Country”).

4. Following the terms of the Foundation Agreement the Participants should use reasonable efforts to promote the objectives and goals of the GBPP through:

(a) Establishing an information and research institute in the Republic of Kazakhstan acting as a knowledge hub and facilitating research, awareness, technology and incubation (the “Green Bridge Institute”);

(b) Establishing a financial facility, which should provide (1) funding for technical assistance and investment support, and (2) finance for projects and programs.

5. The Participants share the view that the Green Bridge Institute should be operated and managed by the Competent Body of the GBPP. This Competent Body should be the Ministry responsible for the protection of the environment of the Host Country, or any governmental authority of the Host Country that, pursuant to applicable laws and as notified by the government of the Host Country, will have responsibilities for environmental protection and/or green growth activities.

Concluding Provisions

1. The International Association is intended to obtain financing from:

(a) voluntary contributions provided by the Participants;

(b) other revenue that may be generated from profitable projects and investment activities;

(c) any other legal source of funding in accordance with the terms of the Foundation Agreement.

2. The funding commitments and procedures for the GBPP are intended to be established by the separate Foundation Agreement.

3. This Charter is not considered as an international treaty in the meaning of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969. This Charter does not raise any legally binding provisions.

4. This Charter is signed in the Russian and English languages.

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