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Speaker’s profiles

1Yvo de Boer

Director-General of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

He was appointed as the Director-General by the GGGI Assembly, GGGI’s supreme governing body to serve a four-year term beginning on April 15, 2014.

Previously, Mr. de Boer served as KPMG’s Global Chairman of Climate Change & Sustainability Services (CC&S). In this role, he led KPMG’s international network of climate change and sustainability consulting businesses, which comprise several hundred sustainability professionals in over 60 countries.

Before joining KPMG in 2010, Mr. de Boer led the international process to respond to climate change in the role of Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from 2006 to 2010.

During his tenure he raised the issue of climate change to the highest levels of political and media attention. He brought over 100 world leaders to Copenhagen for the international climate negotiations in December 2009 and secured commitments from over 90 countries to reduce greenhouse emissions.

Throughout his career, he has focused on the economics of climate and sustainability to help policy makers and the business community understand the consequences of acting, or failing to act, in economic terms.

Prior to his UN role, he was extensively involved in European Union environmental policy as deputy Director General of the Dutch Environment Ministry. He also served as vice-chair of the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development, and acted as an advisor to the Government of China and the World Bank. In 2011 he was appointed to chair the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Climate Change.

2Hongpeng Liu

Chief of Energy Security and Water Resources Section, Environment and Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Mr. Liu’s work includes the formulation and management of plans and programmes for regional cooperation on energy and water security and resources management for sustainable development; organization of legislative and technical meetings, policy dialogues and capacity building for member countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Before joining UN, Mr. Liu worked for the central government of China in various capacitieson energy security and renewable energy, water resources conservation and environment (including climate change) policy formulation, planning and technology development as well as international cooperation.

3Jalil Buzrukov

Head of Tajik branch of scientific information center of the Interstate commission on sustainable development of Central Asia

Until 1990 he worked in the research and production center “Aerokosmogeodeziya” as a researcher, academic secretary. Scientific field of research is the use of space techniques sensing in geology, natural resources inventory on the basis of interpretation air space photos.

In nature protection system works since 1990 as the head of inspection of protection and use of minerals, waste management, as the vice-chairman on conservation of Sughd province, the adviser to the minister of conservation and as the head of the Tajik branch of scientific information center of the Interstate commission on a sustainable development of Central Asia (since 2000).

The author and the coauthor of numerous program and strategic documents, estimated researches about a state of environment at the regional and national level. Expert in the nature protection legislation, environmental assessment, waste management.

4Roger Kapp

Expert for the sustainable development (Switzerland)

In the past 30 years, Mr. Kapp coordinated and managed large projects, both in Switzerland and Internationally and

- was part of the Swiss taskforce led by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) preparing the position of Switzerland for the Rio+20 summit;

- is now part of the Swiss group led by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) preparing the position of Switzerland for the negotiations around the post-2015 agenda and Sustainable Development Goals;

- participated in the Rio+20 conference, and various other preparatory summits including the UNECE Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Rio+20 Conference On Sustainable Development and the Astana Green Bridge Initiative: Round table «Rio +20: practical contribution to a green economy»;

- develops and implements Sustainable Management strategies, providing fund raising, managerial and environmental advice to the Government, NGOs, IGOs and private organizations;

- is also President of the University of Applied Science’s Alumni, coordinator for various other initiatives promoting the transition to a Green Economy.

5Robert ATKINSON – international consultant (UK)

He has more than 20 years of experience and is specialised in project development, project management, civil society support, capacity building (education and training) and organisational development.

He started his working career at the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1988-1989) and then the World Conservation Union’s East European Programme (1990-1991) in Cambridge, UK. From 1991 to 1995 he was Programme Manager at East West Environment, managing environment and democracy projects in Central and Eastern Europe. For thirteen years (1995-2008) Robert worked at the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) in Hungary, for four of those years he was Director for Civil Initiatives (2004-2008).

He has worked on a multitude of environment and civil society projects in more than thirty countries, primarily in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, and has written or contributed to over twenty civil society or environmental education publications. Also he assisted the Major Groups and Stakeholders Branch of UNEP in the development of their civil society support projects (2013-2014). In 2009, he was contracted by the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to develop comprehensive organisational development guidelines for the Aarhus Public Participation Centres that they support in eight East European and Central Asian countries.

Сurrently he is involved in many international projects as consultant. He is an expert monitor of the European Commission’s LIFE+ NGO operating grants for the Astrale consortium and other.

6Bolat Yessekin

International expert

Renowned expert in the field of environment and development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and European regions. In 1989-1993 headed the introduction of environmental protection economic instruments, extension to the international level the problems of the Aral Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, headed General Administration of State Control on environment protection.

In 1993-1997 he headed the environmental management of Alma-Ata city and also headed the public group on the development of the 1st national plan for environmental protection. In 1997 he was elected as a leader of the World Bank project “National Action Plan on environmental protection in Kazakhstan” with the implementation of a package of projects with a total budget of more than $ 700 million.

He was initiator of the establishment the Regional Environmental Centre andbecame its first Director. He directed the Centre within 1999-2006 and greatly contributed to its success and sustainability.

He has an extensive experience in the practical implementation of the various programs, management of international projects in Central Asia and conducting of inter-state negotiations. From 2007 he is an international expert, initiator and developer of the international program “Green Bridge”.

He is a Deputy Chairman of the UNECE Bureau of the Committee on eco-politics, Geneva (since 1998), member of the Asia-Pacific Forum of famous people, Japan (2000-2002), Board of Directors of the Global Water Partnership, Stockholm (since 2013), Council on Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan (since 2006), NGO Coordinating Council “Eco-Forum of Kazakhstan” and other professional networks.

8Dan Dowling

Assistant Director, Climate Change & international Development PwC LLP (UK)

Assistant Director with PwC’s Climate Change and International Development practice in London.Holds 12 years of experience in the fields of sustainability and climate change.

Works with international development agencies and financial institutions, particularly in the areas of climate change, green growth, sustainable resource use, climate and environmental finance, private sector development and investment planning. Also works extensively with large global businesses and national governments on climate change and disaster risk reduction.

Extensive experience working in over 20 countries including Central Asia, Middle East, East and Southern Africa, India, Pakistan, Chile, Bangladesh, China, US, Europe and the UK.

9Georgy Safonov

Director of the Center for Environmental Economics and Natural Resources of the State University - High School of Economics, Russian Federation

Since 1995 – participant and head of international and Russian research projects and programs in the field of environmental protection and climate change.

Since 1999 – permanent participant of international negotiations within the framework of meetings and conferences of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol.

He is a member of the working groups on environmental issues, “green” economy development, energy efficiency and renewable energy, climate policy under the President of the Russian Federation, State Duma of the RF, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry Chamber of the RF, Public Chamber of the RF, RSPP, “Business Russia”.

He is a UNFCCC international expert, coordinator of the National Report to the World Climate Summit, UN-2014. Member of the international scientific community “Environmental Economics,” Network on Sustainable Development (UN SDSN), Climate Action Network ofnongovernmental organizations and others. Author of more than 80 scientific publications on issues of sustainable development, environmental economics, international and Russian climate policy, development of carbon market and others.

10Pawel Wiktor

Deputy Chairman of the «Consus Carbon Еngineering» Board (Poland)

Провел первую в Польше верификацию сокращений выбросов по проекту СО2.As a GHG auditor (since 2004) in Det Norske Veritas Poland sp. z o.o., he has participated in the preparation of DNV for verification services of annual reports for the needs of EU ETS.

As a leading verifier during the period from 2005 to 2007 he conducted hundreds verifications of annual reports for the biggest Polish installations in almost every sector covered

He also obtained qualifications for conducting the validation and verification of JI and CDM (India). In 2007, he was trained in “Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting” and “Sustainable Development reporting verification” (Spain).

He took part in the evaluation of many projects abroad, including in Romania, Lithuania, Hungary or Egypt. He has advised national governments and private institutions in many countries, e.g. Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan on operating principles and implementation of the Emission Trading Scheme, the National Carbon Fund, Renewable Energy Sources and a global climate change.

Author of several publications on solutions for monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions, methodologies for green investment schemes in Poland.

11Justyna Wysocka-Golec

Deputy Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of the Consus Carbon Engineering

Graduate of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the Cracow University of Technology, specialty: Environmental protection in industry. Postgraduate of European Management Studies - MBA program at Cracow School of Business, Cracow University of Economics.

She is also a specialist in developing SEAP, low-carbon economy strategy and action plan development at the local level for the biggest cities in Poland. She advised in implementing emissions management system (EU-ETS) for the largest energy groups in Poland (power sector), chemicals (chemicals and petrochemicals), mining and metallurgy and smaller companies. She has advised national governments, private institutions and public sector in many countries as Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan on operating principles and implementation of the Emission Trading Scheme and global climate change.

She is an author of numerous publications in specialist periodicals in the field of Environmental Management System, Waste Management and sustainable development. Has held a number of lectures, seminars and workshops in many countries in the field of project management, structural funds and funds for environmental protection and sustainable development. She has conducted training courses for installations in Romania and Bulgaria within preparations to join EU ETS.

Executive Director at «Консус Казахстан (Konsus Kazkhstan)” LLP. She has been awarded with an Ambassador of Women Entrepreneurship title – an European award for supporting women establishing and running their businesses.

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