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International Forum

“Energy of the Future: CO2 emission reduction»

October 23-24, 2014, Astana, Kazakhstan

Draft outcome recommendations

1. At the invitation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the states, government and international organizations, science, NGOs and business have met on October 23-24, 2014 in Astana within the framework International forum “Energy of the Future: CO2 emission reduction” to discuss the progress and joint action necessary for the GBPP practical implementation.

2. According to the decisions of Ministers of environment and development of the Pacific region (UN ESCAP, Astana, September 27- October 2, 2010) and European region (UN EEC, Astana, September 21-23, 2011) interregional “Green Bridge” Partnership Programme was developed as a voluntary and practical mechanism of cooperation for green economy sustainable development support.

3. At the UN World Conference on Sustainable Development (Brazil, June 20-22, 2012) the “Green Bridge” Partnership Programme was endorsed as “voluntary and open to all” which has given her the status of a global programme.

4. Forum participants have listened and discussed the reports of states, international organizations representatives and experts on modern trends of transfer to green economy. Furthermore, successful examples of green reforms and technologies support, GBPP progress for the period after previous conference (Astana, September 30, 2013) were considered at the Forum.

5. In the context of growing climate change, energy and food security problems session has recognized extremely importance of transferring to the practical actions on base of combining the experience and capacity for environment and development preserving.

6. Conducted discussions have showed the urgent necessity of cooperation for the establishment a favorable environment for a green investment, technology and innovation at the international and national levels. Joint efforts of governments, international organizations, business and NGOs’ are necessary in order to preserve the environment and ecosystems and to support for all sustainable and affordable energy, food and housing.

7. Forum participants have emphasized that the President’s of the Republic of Kazakhstan initiative on GBPP is relevant and necessary international mechanism for transfer from green economy declaration to the practical actions. There are considerable potential and growing demand for collaborative and mutually beneficial actions on the development of a new sectors of the green economy in order to improve the quality of life, environment and safety in many countries.

8. For further GBPP implementation the draft founding GBPP documents developed by a group of international experts on the basis of a similar and successful experience, in general, were proposed to approve. Moreover, participants have suggested stakeholders to adopt these documents on a voluntary basis at the next Astana Economic Forum which will be held in Astana, on May 2015.

9. Department of green economy of the Ministry of energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan was proposed to create a working group of international experts from Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Georgia, Latvia, Mongolia, UNEP, ESCAP, ICSD, CAREC and other interested countries and organizations for accounting the comments and suggestions made by the participants of the Forum to the submitted draft GBPP documents.

10. To instruct the working group to refine in accordance with comments and observations the draft documents of the creation of GBPP international organization and the draft Working Plan for 2015-2017 and to present this documents to all stakeholders for approval no later than January 30, 2015 with the placement on website (

11. The Forum participants have expressed their gratitude to the Ministry of energy and Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for hosting the Forum as well as all the participants for their support and cooperation.

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