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Green economy is economy of the future!

The concept of “green” economy is being used in society more often. After the Summit “Rio + 20” President of our state gave a high priority to this direction as one of the key factors of the further development of the state. This article will reveal the meaning of this concept, it’s main directions and details.

What is green economy?

Nowadays the society differently understands the meaning to the phrase “green” economy. Some persons think that this relates to new directions in economy that improve the nature of the state. The other understand it as new technologies, ecosystems which will benefit environment and nature. And there are also people who think that it is a new stage of development with the aim to create ecological products.

All of these approaches are close to the meaning. So, “green” economy means economy directed to save prosperity of the society at the expense of effective use of natural resources as well as return of product of final use to the production cycle.

First of all “green” economy is targeted on scarce consumption of the limited resources (natural resources: gas, oil) and rational use of unlimited resources.The basis of the “green” economy establishes “green” technology. By the words of experts the development of “green” economy will allow to avoid ecological crisis which affected many postindustrial countries.

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